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Hosted and Sponsored by Enneagram Northeast USA

Mario Sikora at Enneagram Northeast: "Values and Styles: The Enneagram and Improving Work Relationships"

Mario Sikora at Enneagram Northeast: "Values and Styles: The Enneagram and Improving Work Relationships"

About Mario Sikora

Mario Sikora is founder and senior consultant of Awareness to Action International. He is an executive coach and leadership-development consultant who advises leaders in multinational organizations across the globe.

A prolific author, Mario’s books and articles have been translated into numerous languages. He is a recognized innovator in the theory and practical application of the Enneagram.

He served as president of the International Enneagram Association (IEA) in 2011 and 2012 and was a member of the IEA board from 2009 to 2014.

Mario lives outside of Philadelphia with his wife and four sons.

Relationships can run into trouble whenever there is a clash over values or a clash over styles. People in a relationship—whether it be personal, professional, or social—may enter conflict because they prioritize needs differently, causing frustration when we feel the other person doesn’t take our needs seriously. Or, they may agree on what is important but have different styles for meeting those needs.

These dynamics aren’t limited to just one-to-one relationships. They also affects teams and whole organizations, shaping group politics, power structures, and organizational effectiveness in general.

The Enneagram, properly understood, is a system of values (the three instinctual biases) and of styles (the nine Ennea-type strategies). Mario Sikora will share lessons learned from over 25 years of working with organizations and the leaders who guide them to help participants understand the impact of (primarily) the instinctual biases and the nine strategies on individual performance, coworker and team relationships, and the whole organization.

This program will explain how to understand the Enneagram through this lens and, more importantly, how to use this understanding to transform your professional relationships. Participants will be equipped with a deeper—yet simpler—understanding of the Enneagram in a way that they can apply to all their relationships, especially if they work in organizations. 


If you are not a member of Enneagram Northeast, you may purchase an event ticket on this page. If you are a member of Enneagram Northeast, please click the button that says “Member Registration” in order to register for your free ticket. Please contact info@enneagramnortheast.org if you need assistance.

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Jonathan Steele at Enneagram Northeast: “The Path of Conscious Love and Transformation: How the Support of Committed Partnerships Accelerates the Alchemical Process of Working with the Enneagram”

Jonathan Steele at Enneagram Northeast: “The Path of Conscious Love and Transformation: How the Support of Committed Partnerships Accelerates the Alchemical Process of Working with the Enneagram”

About Jonathan Steele

Jonathan L. Steele, M.A., is a retreat leader, spiritual teacher, writer, and Enneagram guide. His work draws deeply upon the transmission of the Christian Wisdom lineage and the Western esoteric and contemplative traditions.

He is the co-founder of the company, Origin + Omega. O + O utilizes frameworks to transmit the force of presence and unveil the potential of personhood, where the energetic force of our individual lives is multiplied through gatherings of collective, conscious, and mutual exchange. He companions others in the context of spiritual direction and guides groups on pilgrimage in Spain, where he lived over the course of eight years.

Jonathan serves as a hospice chaplain in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas. He is a devoted partner to Taryn and together they parent three children, Levi, Jakob and Lucas. 

In the context of long-term relational commitments we are beholden to the constrictive conditions that hold the potential for not only our most powerful shadow work but also our greatest individual and collective possibility – the birth of what G.I. Gurdjieff referred to as ‘Real I.’ Counter to the egoic drive to transcend our humanity in all of its glory and mess, the path of conscious love invites us to allow our heart to “break wide-open without resorting to despair, resentment or bitterness.”  Our Type structure, held in the mutual trust and safety of these relational exchanges, is made transparent, revealing the Type’s defensive structure as the veil of our greatest gifts.

Constriction or commitment—seemingly a narrow gate from one side—is discovered to be a gate that opens up to an abundance and authenticity that we’ve always longed for. We call forth the “other’s” essence in allowing them to love and accept us as we are (and vice-versa). In the end, only the giving itself matters. Our wings of flight are borne in and through our transfigured wounds held in love.

Drawing from his experience of this path and the Western esoteric roadmaps that inform it, Jonathan will offer a talk on the transformational potential lying at the heart of, and often within the very necessary coarseness of, committed partnerships.  


If you are not a member of Enneagram Northeast, you may purchase an event ticket on this page. If you are a member of Enneagram Northeast, please click the button that says “Member Registration” in order to register for your free ticket. Please contact info@enneagramnortheast.org if you need assistance.

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Joan Ryan at Enneagram Northeast: “Using the Enneagram through an IFS Lens in Relationship”

Joan Ryan at Enneagram Northeast: “Using the Enneagram through an IFS Lens in Relationship”

About Joan Ryan

Joan R. Ryan, J.D. is an attorney, a Senior Leadership Coach, and has over 25 years experience as an Enneagram Practitioner. Trained originally in the Narrative Enneagram School, she had the honor of being directly mentored by Helen Palmer and the late Dr. David Daniels. She is the co-creator of the Enneagram Thailand Community and has taught internationally for many years. She served 2 terms on the Board of the IEA in the early 2000s. She lives in Boston, Massachusetts.

Internal Family Systems (IFS) is an evidence-based model of the mind and its component “Parts” created by Dr Richard Schwartz. In recent years it has gained extensive use in therapy and in coaching. Parts are “sub-personalities” that hold both positive and negative aspects of our personality. Parts may be Managers which activate to shield vulnerable Exiles (often young wounded or traumatized Parts) from triggering; Firefighters which activate to quench the “flames” when an Exile is triggered; or other Managers that hold some of our strengths. In addition, the IFS concept of Self is closely aligned with the Enneagram concepts of Essence, which are available when Parts make space in the internal landscape.

Knowledge of the structure of each Enneagram Type provides individuals a road map to key Parts. IFS provides Enneagram-informed individuals methods of internal inquiry that can be helpful in loosening the unconscious, habitual patterns of Type.

In relationships, personal or professional, the mapping of Parts connected to Type is a powerful method of exploring challenges. Finding Parts in either partner that might be polarized against each other is particularly useful in resolving disputes.

The Narrative style of Enneagram teaching is a good fit with the IFS method where the Practitioner helps the person locate, communicate, and get into relationship with their Parts.

Portions of the material in this workshop was published in “All Together Us: Integrating IFS with Key Modalities, Communities and Trends” edited by Jenna Riemersma, published in August 2023. It has been presented to IFS Conferences as well as to the IEA conference in 2023.


If you are not a member of Enneagram Northeast, you may purchase an event ticket on this page. If you are a member of Enneagram Northeast, please click the button that says “Member Registration” in order to register for your free ticket. Please contact info@enneagramnortheast.org if you need assistance.

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Lyndsey Fraser at Enneagram Northeast

Lyndsey Fraser at Enneagram Northeast

About Lyndsey

Lyndsey is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Certified Sex Therapist, and an

International Enneagram Association (IEA) Accredited Enneagram Professional. She has

presented on the intersection of the Enneagram, relationships, and sexuality in various U.S. and

international forums. She is one of the few sex therapists in the world working explicitly with the


Lyndsey also has had a private practice for the last twelve years in

South Minneapolis where she specializes in relationships and sexuality utilizing the


Workshop Description

To mature and evolve as a human being it is imperative to work towards awareness, acceptance, and integration of every aspect of the self, including looking at topics that are taboo in our society. Sexuality is one of these topics! Many of us are unaware of the role of sexuality in our lives, and often lack the tools to talk about it—but it impacts us every day, even if we don’t realize it.

When we embrace who we are sexually, we obtain the capacity to accept who we are holistically. It’s the courage to understand that every part of ourselves, even the parts we hide, are important on the path to greater self-awareness.

Human sexuality is fundamental to life. It is a universal part of our humanity, yet there are few tools that incorporate or even acknowledge sexuality as an aspect of our psycho-spiritual development. At its core, the Enneagram is a sacred tool used to cultivate wholeness and union; as such, it is imperative that we look at sexuality as part of our psycho-spiritual development.

When we start to look at sexuality as a part of this development, we can understand the role the Nine Enneagram Types (and instinctual biases) play in sexuality. This results in more compassion for the self. 

We hope you will join us for this workshop with Lyndsey Fraser, MFT, as we explore how understanding our sexuality in relation to the Enneagram has a significant impact on our self-awareness and growth. The focus will be on the Enneagram Types and Sexuality with an interactive element for participants.


If you are not a member of Enneagram Northeast, you may purchase an event ticket on this page. If you are a member of Enneagram Northeast, please click the button that says “Member Registration” in order to register for your free ticket. Please contact info@enneagramnortheast.org if you need assistance.

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Dr. Deborah Threadhill Egerton at Enneagram Northeast

Dr. Deborah Threadhill Egerton at Enneagram Northeast

About Dr. Egerton

Dr. Deborah Threadgill Egerton is an internationally respected psychotherapist, best-selling author, and President of the International Enneagram Association. Dr. E’s work focuses on guiding humanity toward a more compassionate approach to inner work by harnessing the insights of the Enneagram. Her debut book, "Know Justice Know Peace" and her new book "Enneagram Made Easy" reached #1 on Amazon's New Releases. Don’t miss the accompanying 9-book series, "The Enneagram Inner Work Journals," for profound Enneagram exploration.

Learn more about Dr. E at https://www.deborahegerton.com/

 Event Description coming soon!


If you are not a member of Enneagram Northeast, you may purchase an event ticket on this page. If you are a member of Enneagram Northeast, please click the button that says “Member Registration” in order to register for your free ticket. Please contact info@enneagramnortheast.org if you need assistance.

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Enneagram Practitioner Panel with Lindsay Read, Karen Carlsen, and Nicolee Hiltz

Enneagram Practitioner Panel with Lindsay Read, Karen Carlsen, and Nicolee Hiltz

Enneagram Minnesota and Enneagram Northeast USA invite you to join us for our first collaborative event! 

Many therapeutic and coaching professionals have experienced exceptional personal growth and transformation through understanding the Enneagram. Naturally, we want to help our clients benefit from the power and wisdom of the Enneagram as well, but this can be a daunting proposition. Do I have to take all the trainings and become a credentialed Enneagram expert myself? Or is there a simpler, more accessible way to begin?

Being an Enneagram-informed professional can also feel isolating if our colleagues, mentors, and supervisors are not aware of (or are openly skeptical of) the system. As IEA Affiliates, we want to help you connect with and learn from your fellow Enneagram practitioners, and gain confidence using the Enneagram effectively in your work. 

We warmly invite you to attend our interactive online panel with two therapeutic professionals who have years of experience incorporating the Enneagram into their professional practice. This event will be especially relevant to therapists and coaches who are seeking practical ideas and community support for using the Enneagram with their clients.

We hope this panel will help you answer questions such as:

  • What are the potential benefits of using the Enneagram with my clients? How might the Enneagram enhance or even transform how I work with people? 

  • How might I begin to incorporate the Enneagram into my existing professional practice?

  • How do I help my clients learn the Enneagram? Do I have to train as a teacher myself?

  • How might my use of the Enneagram evolve over time, and how might that affect my clients and my career?

Moderator Lindsay Read of Enneagram Minnesota will facilitate this conversation, which will include your questions for the panelists! Please note that this event will NOT be recorded as we intend this to be a highly engaging, community-building experience– so mark your calendar and plan to join us live! (Also please be aware the Event is being hosted by Enneagram Minnesota and begins at 6:00 Central Time, 7:00 Eastern Time.)

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Valerie Tih at Enneagram Northeast: “Parenting with Presence: Shifting from Reactivity to Responsiveness in Family Relationships”

Valerie Tih at Enneagram Northeast: “Parenting with Presence: Shifting from Reactivity to Responsiveness in Family Relationships”

Members: please reserve your free ticket by clicking the “Member Registration” button below.

Non-Members: please purchase your $20 ticket by filling out the scheduling form below.

***We are using a new software for events this year. If you have any trouble registering, please email info@enneagramnortheast.org***

About Valerie Tih

Valerie Tih has 25 years of experience as a speaker and facilitator. She helps parents close the gap between who they want to be as parents and the day to day reality of parenting. Her shame-free courses and customized coaching intertwine Positive Discipline, brain science, the Enneagram, and research-based best parenting practices. She is a trained Art Therapist and teacher, Riso-Hudson Certified with Honours, IEA Accredited, and her talks on parenting and the Enneagram have been included in the 2021 and 2023 IEA Global Conferences.

Learn more about Valerie and JoyFULL Coaching here: www.joyfullcoaching.ca

Who we are and how we engage with the world are much stronger predictors of how our children will do than what we know about parenting.”-  Brene Brown


Many caregivers and professionals are shifting away from authoritarian and permissive models of disciplining children and moving towards relationship-focused models that prioritize healthy attachment and connection. Effective leadership in families, schools, and communities is born out of fostering a culture of connection that is built on a foundation of Presence.  This workshop is for parents, grandparents, and any professional who works closely with children and youth to help:

·      Pinpoint where we over-utilize or under-utilize the gifts of all nine Enneagram points when guiding children.

·      Use the strengths of all 3 intelligence centers to become more responsive and less reactive during those tough/triggering moments.

·      Compassionately illuminate what’s hindering our capacity to be present with children and ultimately the leaders we most want to be.

By showing up and committing to Presence, we courageously give children a secure place to land. Just as an acorn transforms over time into a mighty oak, children can go about self-actualizing into who they are meant to be, when they can rest in our Presence and love. Understanding both the strengths and challenges we bring to relationships can significantly improve our effectiveness as leaders and will impact families not only today, but for generations to come.


If you are not a member of Enneagram Northeast, you may purchase an event ticket on this page. If you are a member of Enneagram Northeast, please click the button that says “Member Registration” in order to register for your free ticket. Your account information will be required. Please contact info@enneagramnortheast.org if you need assistance.

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The Enneagram and Addiction with Michael Naylor

The Enneagram and Addiction with Michael Naylor

Individuals in addiction recovery benefit greatly from understanding the Enneagram-specific core-patterns and the predictable crisis that contributes to addiction transformation and off-the-rails-joy, or to relapse, and unnecessary unhappiness. In this two-hour workshop, Michael will illuminate patterns of self-sabotage that inhibit the full maturation of a soul.

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Listening Around the Circle with Rev. Nhien Vuong

Listening Around the Circle with Rev. Nhien Vuong

In a time of great division and polarizing communication, Reverend Nhien Vuong, J.D., M.Div., draws from her training and experience as a professional mediator, pastoral counselor, and contemplative Enneagram professional to bear on the topic of how we can listen more deeply around differences–especially differences among Enneagram Types. Expect this 2-hour special Saturday workshop to be interactive, grounding, and illuminating!

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